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Pericles Corporation

■head office
2F, 7-3, Kudan-Kita 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0073, JAPAN
■established in
25th March, 2016
12 million yen
Patent Research section
Patent Evaluation section
Consulting Service section
Translation Service section
General Affairs section

To Lead Intellectual Innovation


With our unique and novel patent research & evaluation method, we will help you make the most of invented technologies in business, promote incubation development, and improve the validity of measures against adverse patents.


What We Offer

(1) Undertaking the whole management of IP activities in SMEs

(2) Research for planning or supporting partnerships between industry & academia, incubation business, and etc.

(3) Examining the availability of patented invention

(4) Benchmarking patent strategy activities

(5) Evaluation of patented inventions for culling patents no longer necessary to hold

(6) Objective evaluation of patents in patent pool

(7) Continuous search and top-up search for relevant technology patents

(8) Hosting IP seminars and providing general consulting on IP activities

(9) Patent search prior to application or R&D, or for patent invalidation


Characteristics of Our Patent Research

Examples of our research services

(1) Research & evaluation for managing client's own patents, preventing infringement of others' patents, or positively invalidating others'

---using our unique PPF research method

(2) Research for developing novel products not yet invented or exploring commercially potential technologies

(3) Research for evaluation of client's patents and their exploitation

(4) Research for supporting partnerships between industry & academia and entrepreneurs in incubation

(5) Research for invalidation of other companies’ patents, research prior to development


Method of our patent research & evaluation

comprehensive research using an approach from multiple points of view ---examining all the results from following (1), (2), and (3)

(1) prior research: research on patent validity considering patent acquisition processes and technology trends, based on the evaluations of the patentability by a former Chief Appeals Examiner of the Patent Office

(2) patent applicability research: research on patent applicability, based on the evaluations of the value of invention by a former corporate IP General Manager of IT area

(3) technology innovativeness research: research on how innovative the invention is, based on the evaluations of the technology innovativeness by a Professor of a university for technology


What is PPT Evaluation?

PPT Evaluation is our unique method for invention research & evaluation.

(1) a (former) Chief Appeals Examiner of the Patent Office evaluates the patentability (P)

(2) a (former) corporate IP General Manager evaluates the patent applicability (P)
(3) a Professor of a university for technology evaluates the basic technology (F)

On the basis of these evaluations , diversely analyzing and foreseeing technology trends, we comprehensively determine the value of inventions.


You can use our services for;

・objective patent research & evaluation on your own invention (prior to application or D&R)

・developing a patent strategy which enhances business success

・more efficient use of business resources through patent research which increases corporate value

・driving selection of patents no longer necessary to hold with the help of  invention evaluations from multiple points of view

・reinforcement of planning of new product by invention trend research & evaluation

・objective assessment & evaluation on patented inventions in patent pool

・better planning for incubation in institutions like universities

・research & evaluation for invalidating patents held by other companies


Who is "Pericles"?

--- a statesman who, building a confederation between Athens and Spartcas, enhancing national prestige, led ancient Greece to victory in Persian Wars.


More than 2500 years ago, Pericles talked to people in Athens about democracy, constitutional system, ethos of freedom, esteem for rationality, leisure in life with games and festivals and so on, and insisted that it is significant for each to devote themselves in more universal value (beauty and virtue) aiming to realize those ideals.      (see; Iwata, Haruo, Girisha Shisou Nyumon, University of Tokyo Press, 2012) 


We named our company after him with a belief that our vision and mission share the same ideas as his.


Our Corporate Vision : to create comprehensive and compromising culture in Intellectual Property area which will drive more efficient use of human & financial resources in private companies and universities, leading to the realization of technology-oriented IP Innovation.

Our Corporate Mission : to conduct proper invention evaluations with our PPT Evaluation, which is  unique in the point that a (former) Chief Appeals Examiner of the Patent Office, a (former) corporate IP Manager and a Professor of a university for technology express "free open-minded opinions," and the results of diverse patent researches with “respect for reason and foresight" based on their experiences.




    © 2016-2024 by Pericles Corporation

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